Man up, bitch! There are three ways that I can tell that the deadline for an FHHM issue is approaching. 1.) (and most obvious) I can look at the calendar on my desk 2.) Increased office traffic (proofreader, additional graphics people and freelancers turning in articles all stop by) 3.) The alcohol stock in the breakroom refridgerator increases tenfold. Someone, somewhere in the office must have some kind of magic Beck's hookup, because there are all these bottles of Beck's Level 7 individually packaged in "free sample" boxes. For those unfamiliar, Beck's Level 7 is beer mixed with that energy drink stuff. You know, so you can feel like you're drinking beer and smoking crack at the same time, I suppose. Aside from that reason, I don't really get the point of an energy beer, since regular beer gives me plenty of energy. ( Click below for more ) Granted, most of this is imagined energy. Still, if you catch me around my third beer, that's about the poin...