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Showing posts from December, 2007

Sick Pimpin Winter Tour 2007: Dortmund

EDIT: For clarification purposes, because I don't have as much editing time when I'm not sitting in front of my own computer. I meant no offense to persons from or currently residing in Dortmund, which is a wonderful I said. My remark "some people might even call it 'fugly'" refers to an incident in which I was walking around Barmbek (another place that I really like, but not everyone is awesome enough to recognize its awesomeness) and my companion at the time (who shall remain nameless, but who lives in a part of Hamburg that I shall refer to as "Schmeppendorf") called my beloved Barmbek "fugly". Do I think Barmbek is fugly? No. Do I think Dortmund is ugly? Hell no. But would some people think otherwise? Perhaps. These people are also called douchebags. And it isn't cool to call Dortmund fugly, and I personally would never do so. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding. Greetings everyone! This entry is being brought to

"To all the killers and the hundred dollar billers..."

In about 2 1/2 hours, I'm off to Dortmund for Christmassy Good Times and such with Schmidt , Wonfuzius and Cracky McGee's family. I don't really see myself having a whole bunch of time for updating and such -- but we'll see. I am bringing a camera to document it look forward to that stuff. It's cold as eff in Hamburg and we even got a bit of snow as you can see from the picture above. In other news, MissFee sent me some kind of crazy bacon chocolate candy bar. However, I had FedEx deliver it to work, since I'm never home during their delivery times -- and because I'm an idiot, I forgot to put it in my it's still at work. It'll be a nice surprise to come back to in like 2 weeks. 2007 -- you were a hateful and brutal year, whose main lesson seemed to be, "Oh yes, things can get much worse, nightmarishly, I'll show you how". But, even with all that's happened -- and, sweet baby Jesus, a LOT of shit wen

Y'all don't want none of this

How good ideas are born Last week was full of merriment and laziness. Just the way I like it. One evening, The Boy made a remark regarding how I’ve been neglecting my blog. I told him that if he wants more blog updates, then he should be around less, but he can’t have it both ways. Alright, maybe I said this in my head – but I meant to say it out loud. I just didn’t want to hurt his widdle feewings. I can’t write with people looking/reading over my shoulder is all... I also found out recently that my German legal junk has officially been resolved. I’m not gonna get into it. Suffice it to say, it was good news and cause for a celebration. I wanted to party, but without the hassle of organizing and planning an actual party – and not with like a whole bunch of people, just a few „key players“ in my success. And maybe without dedicating an entire evening to the affair. So, I had the brilliant idea of doing a Power Hour and then let everyone do whatever it is they wanted to do afterwards.

Watch out...

That's right, we're coming to Germany to totally fuck your shit up! I snapped this pic this morning in the Königstrasse S-Bahn station on the way to work. It wasn't there yesterday morning. Though if the "artist" really wanted to make a statement, he should have drawn it so that the black guy was saying "Okaaaaaay!" (in manner of Lil Jon) (Click image to see it fullsize)

Years from now...

I'm gonna look back at this picture and think to myself, "Goddamn, we were so ridiculously awesome!" Just your average Tuesday night in the Best WG Ever...

Lessons from my parents

In a different world – perhaps one in which money was replaced by hugs and whipped cream rained from the heavens – my parents would have celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this week. Probably my father’s biggest complaint about my mom (second only to her pack rat-type nature) was her complete disregard for being on time. She just couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t even try, really. He could go on and on about her inability to "get her butt in gear". However, the funny thing was that my mom’s butt was always in gear. She was always on the go. Non-stop. Even these days, while she can’t recognize people or hold a conversation, you can’t really get her to stand/sit still. She’s apparently got still some shit to do. No, laziness was never her problem; she just was never on the same time schedule as my dad. And this annoyed him to no end. ( Click Below for More ) He tried just about everything: screaming, complaining, he even left her behind in a couple of places on a few occasio

Thanks a lot, dipshits...

Finding some free time to write has become a challenge these days and I feel like this has been the longest stretch of time somewhat fairly sporadic updates. I hate apologizing with every post; at the same time, I also hate leaving you all update-less. So, instead of apologizing, I’d just like to take this time to remind you that my dad recently died... if you’re looking for someone to blame. Blame him. Might I mention that if you do this then you’re a giant asshole and I hope you get stabbed... Speaking of getting stabbed. Man, peoples is wilin’ out here in Hamburg! According to the newspapers (which I don’t actually buy and read myself, I just kinda skim from other people’s papers on the train), folks are getting stabbed left and right. I heard that there are some statistics hiding out in an abandoned Schrebergarten in Kiwittsmoor – and they say that 10 out of every 10 households in Hamburg owns at least one knife. And these knives are coming to cut you. ( Click Below for more ) If