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Showing posts from January, 2008

Sounds about right...

19 EDIT: I don't know what the deal with the link is...apparently for some people it's taking them directly to a dating site instead of the result. It works for me on my computer so I don't know what's up. You can try this link or .

Castro the Destroyer

Last night, Schmidt's special lady friend came over -- we'll just call her AAB (as something more creative is not coming to mind at the moment). She was pretty psyched about Ghana winning a soccer game in whatever round of the Africa Cup is going on right now. We're not a soccer household, so she was without question the person most excited about this result in our apartment yesterday. And I suppose soccer tradition dictates that when your home team wins, then you go to someone's house, do a crazy victory dance and cook the residents of this domicile a delicious meal. I don't know...I'm not a big soccer fan. My theory is purely based on her actions. AAB is pretty funny that's for dang sure. Somehow, we got onto the topic of baby names and she said that whenever I do decide to have a child...that a great name for this kid would be "Castro the Destroyer". It was random and beautiful. I laughed. Once upon a time, I had a conversation with Papa Schm

Whatever gets you through the day

I'm back at work, all is well. It's no secret, I am a lazy, lazy person. My distaste for working is at the very least slightly higher than the average person's. The problem is, I really like my job. I mean, that's a good thing -- since, I chose to take the legal route to fight for my right to keep said job...and, having won, now have some lawyer fees to pay. It's difficult to explain these conflicting sides of my personality (hate to work/love my job). Luckily, part of the reason I love my job so much is that I can justify a lot of the things that you guys do (e.g. websurfing, timewasting) as more or less legitimate work. I can read about Kayne beating Beyonce at a game of Connect Four or Slim Fast offering a reportedly not-so-Slim Shady a spokesperson deal and no one in the office bats an eye. I'm only human, though. Wikipedia can be a real distraction. Sometimes I just want to find out some info about an artist's discography or production notes -- and 30

Poppin' fresh or hardly poppin?

It's not that the whole blogging thing has become boring to me; I really wish that I could do more updates. It's just that I feel like I really haven't had all that many exciting things to write about lately. Well, I mean things that I want to share with anyone who might stumble upon this page. My life is more or less the same ball of what-the-fuckness that it was about 3 weeks ago, but quite a bit of stuff goes beyond the boundaries of what I want to reveal to you guys. So, after going through my entire self-censoring process -- I'm left with the story of the second biggest decision that I've faced in the past week and a half, namely the dilemma of when is it appropriate for someone to finally change their relationship status on _____ (fill in the blank here with your preferred social networking website)? Très exciting, right? Yeah, I know. Anyway, most of me feels like such concerns are not only extremely trivial, but also the realm of 13-year-old little girls of

This is a test, right?

Dear RBF, you know I like you guys, right? Big fan here. Even though people say, "Yeah, I liked Reel Big Fish ...back in like 1998." I mean, when someone asks, "Hey, what's your favorite band, Raven?" And they know I'm like all hippity-hoppity and whatnot, I still will tell them, "Reel Big Fish." I know we had this thing going for awhile, whenever y'all came to Hamburg like the day after I had to leave to go back to the States. Still, I managed to see you guys twice. Plus, once when you opened for 50 Cent at the UMass Spring Concert. $5 with my student ID! My first concert: I even got to go backstage. I could have died that night. I told people, Reel Big Fish is the only band I'd see for any price, because you're worth it. I think it's great that you got out of your record contract. But seriously, guys... 19.25€ ?! That's like 29 bucks, yo... and I've grown very accustomed to not paying for concert tickets at all. Sadly, I c

Sick Pimpin Winter Tour 2007/2008: Dresden

... I'll tell you all about how it went very soon, but not right now. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures. *********** Ok, so the pictures have been up for a few days, I think it's about time for the re-cap. First off, Happy 2008, everyone! My last update, I had recently arrived in Dresden and managed to slightly insult my roommate, albeit unintentionally. I maintain that I was somewhat hopped up on Sinupret and cough drops, which we all know is quite the hallucinogenic combination. Some of you may recall way back when (in 2004), I had another blog entitled I went to a party last Saturday night... , wherein I detailed my adventures in the city of Dresden. You may also recall that I was particularly very fond of the city. Roughly four years later, I happened to meet and grow quite fond of a young lad who just happens to hail from that very city (Dresden) by way of Giessen. I thought it would be a good idea to visit him over New Year's. ( Click Below for More ) As it turned o