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Showing posts from June, 2008

Things I Found on the Ground #1 - Rock Cupcake

Among Frosty's many various talents is his ability to find things on the ground. Ok, sometimes it's just garbage...but lots of times it's like actually useful, working stuff – lighters, computer cables, pimp canes – just lying on the damn ground. And, even more maddening, he finds money. This dude is forever finding money just lying around on the ground. I'm on the look out for discarded money like all the time and a couple of times the two of us were out together, both looking at the same ground. He'll see money...and I won't. We discussed this recently and came to the conclusion that in order to find the valuable stuff, you can't limit yourself to a particular item. Instead, you have to mentally take everything in and filter it out later. So, basically, it's like if you have a bigger selection pool of stuff, the chances of finding a few gems are probably a lot higher than if you're just looking for the “good stuff”. Frosty tried to mentor me and

Video Store Follies

During my last visit to Dresden, Frosty gave me a DVD packed with a bunch of stuff that he thought I would enjoy. It was mostly music and graphic design manuals, but he also included a movie called “Man Bites Dog”, which is an older (1992) Belgian documentary-style dark comedy about a serial killer. I'd never heard of it before, however Frosty explained the story and said that it was a bit violent, but funny – the type of humor that I'm into, basically. I got around to watching it early Friday evening. ( Click Below for More ) For the most part, he was right. “Man Bites Dog” is a dark comedy/satire/social commentary. Very dark and with much of the humor stemming from the set up. Basically, a camera crew follows around a serial killer while he does what serial killers do (um, kill people) and over time the boundaries between the observers and participants become blurred and then, ultimately, non-existent. It's a premise that I could get behind, because to me, funny is 20%


That's not me right now, but it was me on Monday in the train back to Hamburg after spending a fabulous weekend in Dresden. I got this great little MacBook from work and it's got a built-in camera, with which I can pretty much only take pictures of my face -- which I do as much as possible because it's fun and I'm obsessed with looking at my own beautiful face. I got a tan...can you tell? Probably not. I spent last Sunday paddling in a boat down the Elbe River from Wehlen back to Dresden. That was something like 20, maybe 25 kilometers and took us about 8 hours. Luckily, there were 8 strapping young men to help with the paddling. Unfortunately, they were also getting drunk/sunburned/otherwise injured for most of the trip. Throw in the fact that the Elbe is just one slow ass river. Still, a good time was had by all -- even Sven , who managed to slice his foot open on a rock or a piece of glass in the water and Futzi , who sliced his finger open with a knife, while trying

Pickles? A little help here?

Mr. Spriggs Barbeque on So, it's been about a minute since I've lived in OKC, so it's quite possible that I've just never heard of Mr. Sprigg's BBQ. But now, my curiousity has peaked. It just seems a mish-mash of marketing ideas. Catchy jingle, but from the looks of their clientele in the commercial...they don't look quite so much like the type of folks who are huge fans of supa smooth R&B. Sadly, I can no longer get this song out of my head. Anyway, Pickles , please go try some of Mr. Sprigg's BBQ (if you haven't already) and please report back to me and answer the following questions: 1.) Is it always tender? 2.) Does the meat fall off the bone? 3.) Is it Oklahoma's best barbecue? 4.) If you had to choose between Bobo's Chicken and Mr. Sprigg's BBQ, which would you prefer?

Happy Anniversary

This summer is the 10th anniversary of my first trip to Germany. It was my first trip outside of the U.S. without my family and probably the single greatest influence on my life thus far. It's the experience that led to my decision to continue learning German after high school & it planted the idea in my head to someday live in Germany. Crazy, huh? The morning of my departure (late May 1998) from the Will Roger's World Airport in Oklahoma City, my dad handed me a sealed envelope right before I boarded a plane to Dallas with my oldest and dearest friend, Dr. U.G. , and my high school German teacher, Frau B. Yeah, it was back during the time when non-passengers could say farewell at the gate. At any rate, my dad instructed me to not open/read the letter until we were flying over the Atlantic Ocean. Later, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, I read his description about his first time crossing the Big Pond. Today, that letter is in the same place as the letter he wrote me a yea

(no subject)

Welcome to June… The past six months may have been the longest stretch of time, in which I’ve done the least amount of blogging. And even if it’s not, it certainly does feel that way. My only half-assed New Year’s Resolution – namely to try to write a new entry every day – is pretty much not going to happen at this rate… unless I make up for it by writing two entries every day for the rest of the year. Riiiight. Lots has happened and just keeps happening. Friends like Toby and Cupcake have retired their blogs. Others like (the former) A.Neezy have started new ones. Right around this time a bunch of people that I know have gotten engaged, gotten married (or are about to get married), gotten knocked up, given birth, broken up, moved away, quit their job, got a new job, got a new special somebody… the list goes on and on. No, I didn’t go to my five year college reunion and, no, I’m not going to the joint 10/9-year Class of 98/99 high school reunion this fall… nothing personal, I just l