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Showing posts from July, 2009

Zombies: Re-re-re-re...etc...visited

Cheffe just sent me the link to a video about these so-called "zombie walks" that apparently take place in various cities around the world . Here. Read up on zombie walks on Wikipedia. Suffice it to say, it's like a flash mob combined worst fucking nightmare. In an unofficial poll of the Brooks Family (meaning discussions that I've had with my siblings Remy , Cris & Pickles ), the #1 reoccurring dream in my family is about some kind of zombie outbreak. Yes it's weird -- and probably mostly my doing -- but The Great Zombie Debate remains a big issue. Even if we're not actively talking about it, it's still there...seething underneath the surface. I've been meaning to ask Frosty his take on this hypothetical situation (i.e. if there were a zombie attack and I got bitten, would he a.) kill me or b.) become a zombie with me). No doubt it's an important question, but I think it could still be a little too early in our relationship addr

"Just doing my part to help out the black community"

I'm going to try to work in that phrase as a response whenever someone thanks me for doing something. "No problem"/"You're welcome"/"No...thank you " are pretty played out and I like keeping people on their toes. My camera (that I never bring with me when I go out) mysteriously broke...while sitting on my bookshelf not being used. Maybe it was suffering from some sort of depression that technical devices get and put itself out of its misery due to my neglect. I don't know. But what it means is that even if I wanted to take pictures this past month, I haven't been able to and, of course, just when you find yourself with out the means to take pictures, so many different and interesting photo ops miraculously present themselves. Last Saturday was festival/parade in Hamburg called Schlagermove. Schlagermusik is kind of hard to describe. I was about to compare the Schlagermove festival with the Love Parade , but with shittier music... but I act