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Showing posts from October, 2009


So, I'm a big Jay Smooth fan. And here's a prime example why. Social equality and justice are so hot to me. It's the same reason why I love my gender stereotype rejecting boyfriend and his radical commie ways. Sophia would be proud.

Quickies #14 - Keep it locked

Zilv and I are thinking about "developing" a bilingual (or monolingual...nothing's really concrete yet) hip-hop public radio show. I put "developing" in quotes because we don't really have a concept yet, aside from playing music we like and being on air and some artist name things and a rough draft of a promotional flyer. We both love hip-hop, we've both done radio. It sounds like fun to me and that's what I'm into right now. So...stay tuned for future progress...timeline is something like early 2010.

Happy Hug A Mulatto Day!!!

The picture above (and you can click it to englarge the view) is from the 1962 edition of a textbook called When You Marry . It's slightly more than a little offensive, but it was published five years before Loving v. Virginia (the US Supreme Court civil rights case that abolished restrictions for marriage based on race*. *=fun fact) I don't know where I was going with that. Anyway, that picture up there (if you look at it kind of zoomed out so you can't get the full intensity of the offensive language/pictures) then it kind of looks like a rough draft blueprint of the Mulatto Revolution. I'm sure that's probably not what the editors had in mind, but they are probably dead now. So there's that. This year is the 5th anniversary of Hug a Mulatto Day. Looking back, I realized that I wrote in 2007 that 2008 was the 5th HaMD, but I was mistaken. We're all back on track now. The sun is (sort of) shining here in Hamburg (for the time being) and I got to sleep in a

To go

There are a lot of different qualities that people take into consideration when they decide to move into a new apartment/home. I mean, that's at least the assumption that I'm making. Everyone has their individual tastes and opinions as to what is or isn't a dealbreaker. For example, I'm not at all fond of Altbau architecture and I don't like living higher than the third floor (which is actually the 4th floor in the US). On the other hand, I live on a very high traffic street in Hamburg that runs almost clear through the entire city. Trucks drive by pretty much constantly and this doesn't really bother me. Right underneath my window. What I do need is a place with lots of public transportation options (preferrably near a main line), a conveniently located grocery store and a late night/open-on-Sundays kiosk (or gas station or döner place or similar). Transportation-wise, I feel like I have a lot of options at my new place. Sometimes it's not as direct as my

Pictures from my cyber life

A view of my spam folder , please note at the bottom the "What's up now bitch" health care newsletter that I apparently subscribed to and sent to myself (click to englarge)

Pictures from my life #3

The extra "c" kind of looks like a third "o". I think my mail situation is gonna be fucked up for awhile. The good news is that I have a new nickname for my roommate.

Quickies # 13 - Jive Tofurkeys

As I started typing this, I realized I'm gonna have to make it quick. I was having some cramps (I know, TMI) and was offered a couple of Tylenol with codeine for the pain. I had no doubt that they would work well, but now I just really have the urge to lie down for awhile. But first things first. Yesterday, I embarked on a trip to Tübingen to figuratively knock Frosty's socks off all surprise like. Being unemployed means you have a lot of time on your hands and I figured I'd go hit that before the new semester starts the week after next. Hooray for priorities! Normally, when I visit Frosty I go by plane. It's often cheaper and always faster than going by car or train, which is good because I don't do very well after about the 4th hour of traveling. However, since this trip was somewhat spontaneously planned, there were no more cheap flights for the day I wanted to leave. I ended up getting a ride in a car to Stuttgart and then going on to Tübingen by train...and a