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Showing posts from June, 2010

Daily Tight Songs Vol. 1

Frosty has sent me one song a day, every day for the past 205 days. It's an on-going ritual called the "Daily Tight Song" and I can usually expect to get it each day before noon. In fact, I get a bit antsy if it's past noon and it hasn't arrived, which causes me to arrive at the completely logical conclusion that Frosty is has suffered a neurological accident that has destroyed his short term memory and he has to tattoo the names of the songs on his skin via makeshift tattoo tools. Anyway, I've been keeping track of the list here, because I'm less likely to accidentally delete a blog entry (* crosses fingers *), than I am to accidentally delete a word document on one of my crazy file-deleting sprees and I don't have an external drive or anything to save them on. Also, it's eating up a lot of space in my inbox. He has the uncanny ability to choose songs that more or less fall in line with the kinds of songs that I like. That said, despite my lac

World Cup Fever

Tomorrow is the Germany vs. Ghana soccer match. I'll try to not forget that this game is taking place, but I promise nothing. Four years ago, I moved back to Germany. It was during all this soccer crap, too. I wasn't working at the time, I was sleeping on a mattress in Schmiddy's apartment. It was awesome. We watched the fuckin'...what's it called again? Oh yeah...rocket ship to space. I forget the name of that Space Thingy. Not the big news-maker at the time (other than the German dude going to the International Space Place). Still, that was better than than watching dudes kick a ball around a stadium for 90 mins plus extra time (that's how this works, right?). I swear, right here, right now...if I ever figure out how soccer/football works...then I will renounce my US citizenship. Mark my words... I really don't get it and I really don't care (see the crap that I wrote above). If you didn't know about this thing called the World Cup. There's th

Who's to blame?

I speak German. I speak German rather well. I speak German well enough so that (aside from my crazy non-German name) people don't automatically pinpoint me as an American from my least within a 5-10 minute introductory exchange. Ok so maybe that's just my opinion...or at least the word around the way. For the most part. I'm always asked "Why?" or "How?". Seriously...just one word questions. I don't really know what is meant by that. I guess either why I decided to learn German or how I managed to not completely suck at it. Those are tough questions, to which I have no acceptable answers. I can tell people that I want to live in Germany because they have meat that you can spread on bread like butter, but it doesn't really hold up. I think it's amazing technology, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't make for a good answer. Pictured at the top of this post is the woman who inspired my appreciation of German (language/culture/e

R.A.P. statt E.K.G. - June 2010

Dendemann - Stumpf ist Trumpf 3.0 Part 1 Part 2 I damn sure haven't been posting much lately. That will hopefully change soon. Lots of stuff going on right now. Anyway, here's the 6th episode of R.A.P. statt E.K.G, which aired yesterday. Zilv had to work so Part 2 is a mix that she did back in 2007 with DJ Skeletor (her DJ at the time). I was planning on doing my moderation live, but this week kind of kicked my ass, so I pre-recorded it again (sorry to ruin the magic). It turned out not to be such a bad idea, because I started feeling sick yesterday at I just dropped off the show and headed to the doctor's office. My half aired first this time. As I explain in the show, I was almost done with my playlist and couldn't decide between an older Dendemann track or something from the new album. And then I started listening to a bunch of his albums and stuff...and somehow it just turned into a Dende show. Ideally, I would have probably given more artist info while