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Showing posts from July, 2010


This week, I'm embarking on the first real, (semi-)planned vacation that I've had in (what seems like) forever. It's not just me going to visit Frosty in Dresden or Tübingen or my last "vacation" to Oklahoma in which I showed Schmiddy the touristy sights of Oklahoma City. By the way, that last vacation is in quotes, because, well, parental death sort of cancels out the holiday feeling. Anyway, this is a real vacation. A traveling-to-a-destination...and staying-in-a-hotel type vacation. For Christmas, C.Dub made/gave me and Frosty a little coupon for a hotel stay (and coffee) in Paris. Free to cash in at any time and that's what we're doing. Between Christmas and now, I've had plenty of time to at least try to learn some basic French phrases. I have not done this. At present, I can say "hello", "goodbye", "thanks", "thanks a lot", "you're welcome", "cheese" and "the taste of the ch

R.A.P. statt E.K.G. - July 2010

Better late than never, here's the latest R.A.P. statt E.K.G. show. I haven't made it a big secret that most of our shows have been pre-produced. Not only that, I think Zilv and I have only managed to both be in the studio while the show is airing twice. Those were are first two shows and I was unemployed at the time. However, this month marked the first time since then that we both managed to not be working between the hours of 5pm and 7pm on the second Friday of the month. Since we did the show live, we had to get the recording from the radio station server and to do that someone's gotta be in the main office to let us in. Hence, the lateness. As usual, my playlist didn't solidify until the last minute. And because of work, I couldn't think of really anything clever that I wanted to say about the music. So we both just decided to wing it and host the show live. It was hot as all get out last Friday. I think we were both a little delirious from the heat. Plus, I h