In my years of blogging (and I guess you could actually call it years by now), I haven't been one to get up on a soapbox. Most of the people who visit my blog are people that I know; however, via the magic of Google Analytics, I do know that there are people who randomly drop in from time to time from all parts of the globe. So, I want to post this for anyone who might stop by. In the U.S. the recent publicized suicides of LBGT youth (children, really) has weighed heavily on my heart. The "It Gets Better Project" started by Dan Savage and his husband and the videos that have been posted from all around the world have really touched me. I was so upset to see that another gay youth from Oklahoma had taken his life recently. I had heard about this news on October 11th, which is National Coming Out Day -- which was particularly difficult. Thinking about these tragedies, the worst part is knowing that they aren't the first. However, for some reason, right now (maybe it...