The latest issue of the S.A.Q. (that's the Smith Alumnae Quarterly... not like Secretly Asked Questions) found its way to my mailbox. Of course, it wasn't by accident. As soon as those student loan mofos tracked me down, it's just something that I get once every quarter. Sorry, if I sound a bit bitter, I suppose I'm happy that the phone-a-thon people haven't found me yet. Not that I don't want to give back to my alma mater, but I'm still paying back that shiiiit. Like some kind of bizarre consolation prize, I get the Alumnae Quarterly. Huzzah! Let's sing a round of " Gaudeamus igitur " (note: after the first two words of the song, I am lost). Before Facebook, this was the way that I kept up with my fellow Smithies. If you've gone to a fancy-shmancy school with an alumni association, then you probably know what I'm talking about. And, well, Facebook was actually kind of around when I was in college (the tail end at least) but that's ...