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Showing posts from April, 2011

"To Oral Sex and Shakespeare" (an all purpose toast)

I get very nostalgic on my birthday. In the last 4 years, even more so, since my dad's birthday is the day before mine and it's not something that I can share anymore. I'm not going to get into a bunch of whiny-ass shit about memories. I'm 30 now and I'm cool with that. When I was a first year at Smith, my friends and I compiled a list of good things. I recently discovered this list again. Years older and "wiser", there are some things that I would add to it, some things aren't as great as we thought they were (in hindsight).Still, it makes me smile.'s the original "Good List" that we ( Miss Fee , et al.) composed sometimes in the year 2000 (circulated via email for a considerable amount of time before it was committed to Livejournal in 2004). The Original Good List Happy Birthday to me, biatch!

Real Grown Up Crap

Even though I know it's not true, sometimes I don't feel like I'm a real grown up. On the one hand, I've done stuff like move to another country, dealt with the death of one parent and major illness of the other and I, um, I don't know that's really the stuff that comes to mind (or the stuff that would count most to the general public). On the other hand, I have a roommate still and (until my new grown up bed arrives this week *crosses fingers*) I still sleep on a futon. It's really petty stuff, I know. And it only "bugs" me in the sense that I often have to suppress the feeling that I somehow need to justify why I do things the way that I do. Looking towards the future, I can say with a great deal of certainty that there are going to be a lot of the traditional adult rites of passage in which I'll never participate. Like, I'm pretty sure that I'll never own real estate. I have a friend here in Hamburg and she just purchased an apartmen

Coffee Club

I've got some anxiety issues. It's kind of a relatively new thing (or a relatively new thing for me to discuss), but something that I've been dealing with for awhile (let's round it up to an even 2 years). And something that I've recently started to work on (let's say, like, in a seeking-professional-help sense). People who know me, know that it's insanely easy to scare me. I find it uncomfortable, to the point of being stressful, when people appear out of (seemingly) nowhere from beyond my peripheral vision, or unexpectedly around corners, or make sudden movements, etc and so forth and much much more. It got to the point of having straight up panic attacks and overall unpleasantness. If you've ever had a real panic attack, then you know what I'm talking about. If you've never had a real panic attack, then congratulations, because they suck. I'm a simplest solution is the best solution kinda gal...and I happen to live in a country now where t

Epiphanies: The Movie

The Green Horne t wasn't that great of a remake. It was one of those Seth Rogan-y type vehicles, just as a re-vamp. Still entertaining in a way, though. I was in the middle of writing a whole post about coffee and got to a part about how Schmiddy makes coffee so awesomely and with such care (steamed, frothy milk + chocolate sprinkled on top), that it made me think of that fancy machine that Kato had invented in the movie (which probably the best scene anyway). Then, while I was trying to find a video of that scene, I re-watched the trailer instead and came to the conclusion that I'm like the Britt Reid to his Kato and if I were a spoiled, billionaire playboy (playperson?) then I'd gladly have him as my Executive Associate. Even without the martial arts expertise. More about coffee tomorrow.

Some real birthday ish Pt 1

T minus 14 days until the big 3-0, stay tuned for my thoughts and/or crap that I find interesting now or have found interesting or admired in the past decade. To kick things off, here's the video to Aloe Blacc's "Loving you is killing me" from the album Good Things . I like the album version better, but I dig the old school moves in the video. If you're a fan of 60's soul or Emanon or both, then you'll like Good Things . It's just tight-ass music. Insert a half-hearted sorry for the pre-vid ad here... Aloe Blacc -- Loving You Is Killing Me - MyVideo