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Showing posts from September, 2011

The Copenhagen Files Pt. 3

Days 2 and 3 were not particularly astonishing. In fact, it was Day 2 where I started getting sick and it went downhill very quickly. A scratchy sensation in the back of my through, feeling slightly feverish with most movements. We were staying in the area of the city known as Østerbro, which is rather close to the city center and close to such sites as the famous Little Mermaid statue (which we didn't see) and a fortress/citadel/military structure. The latter is also a nice park where the Danes pratice what is very obviously their favorite activity: staying incredibly fit (which I'm sure is meant to encounter the extreme winter hygge-ing). Approximately, 90% of the city's surface area is dedicated to accomodating joggers and cyclists. Nine percent is for cars, 1% is to prevent the stoners in Christiania from getting freaked out by quick movements (more about that later). I took many mathematical liberties with the last two sentences, please keep that in mind. Still, when t

The Copenhagen Files Pt. 2

Alright, so now we've been back in Hamburg a few days, our colds are pretty much under control and my vacation is winding down. So it's time to continue the story. Once again, I'm writing on my iPad and the pics are on my PC, so I'll add them all at once, so use you mind imaginations for now. And once again...I'll start off talking about the financial aspect. To compare: we spent almost double the amount of time (9 days instead of 5) and double the amount of money on our trip to Paris last year. However, in Paris we didn't pay for the accomodations (that part was a present), so all of our budget was basically spent on entertainment and food and travel. We also just did a shitload of stuff in Paris (8+ hours per day worth or sightseeing). In Copenhagen, our colds prevented a lot of heavy activity, since we were simply exhausted a lot of the time. Also we were working with a two person budget of around 1800 Danish Krones (~240€/$333), which is about 24€ per day pe

The Copenhagen Files Pt. 1

I'll have to go back and add pics when I get home. I just figured that since I'm a bit laid up with a cold and Frosty is in the kitchen making me some soup, that I'd start telling y'all about this trip we've taken to Copenhagen. It all started out a much different idea, you see. For years, Frosty has been suggesting that we go camping. Either hitchhiking and camping or going on a bike tour and camping. Neither of which has ever sounded appealing to me. However, since this is our 4th anniversary (yeah, I know, right?!) I had been entertaining the thought of camping, specifically in Denmark (mostly because of the country's relatively close proximity to Hamburg). Sadly, the more I researched this option, the more and more boring it began to sound and the more appealing the city of Copenhagen started to look. Aside from one thing: almost every single piece of tourist information on the internet starts by telling you that Copenhagen is a seriously expensive city. I d