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Showing posts from January, 2012

Blog the Week 6: Old School

One of my favorite German hip hop beats... This is now old school. Think about that.

Blog the Week 5: Swedish People

Honest movie posters @ One of my favorite work friends (not including my boo Sweet Dee ) is this Swedish dude pseudo-named Mayo (for the purposes of this blog). His brain-to-mouth filter and self-censorship ability are nearly non-existent. So he says the most inappropriate shit that would have gotten him canned at a US company a long time ago. Like the time he came by to ask me if I wanted to go on a smoke break, but thought it would be funnier to ask me if I wanted to go downstairs for a "smoke job" and then later thought it would be funnier to change "smoke job" to "blow job" -- because, you know, like you blow smoke. Also his idea of ultimate revenge is to take a piss in someone's bed. And...on top of that...some days he just can't stop talking about anal fisting (also as a form of revenge). It sounds really weird, but it's actually hilarious. Anyway, he recommended Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy , better

Blog the Week 4: Beer Googles

So, I didn't write anything yesterday evening. It was Beer Thursday at work (which is also obviously followed by Hangover Friday). I'm making the conscious decision to 1.) Not blog at work. I did that at some other jobs that I've had. It's not for lack of opportunity, because I'm on the internet all the time. However, I've got too much actual work and I'm trying to learn as much as I can and, you know, be competent at what I do. 2.) Not blog and drink. Granted, some of my best posts have been written under the influence of alcohol. These days it hinders the process more than it helps. After I arrived home last night, I just decided to not write an entry. I know I'm blogging the week, but I made that up and I can extend it a day if I want to and I won't beat myself up over it. Instead, I wrote a drunk email, which is much worse than drunk blogging. I refuse to use that Mail Goggles thing, because I don't want my email account telling me what I c

Blog the Week 3: I've got nothin'

Image source: lhuddles via  ilovecharts I just got home from work, y'all and I'm not feeling super motivated to write anything. So, I'm doin' that ol' trick (that the ubiquitous) they teach you. Just start putting words down and maybe a story will come out. ... ... ... Sometimes when you work at the internet all day, you don't want to come home and internet even more. At least not actively internet. Passive internetting is almost completely unavoidable, without purposely just deciding to be that chump with no internet. Or if you switch ISPs and don't double book the internet for like a month so  that you have seamless access (see The Great Schminternet Catastrophe of 2008 that left us sans webz at the apartment for 3 goddamn months). And yes, I know, I just used internet as a verb back there a couple of times and, I guess, as a gerund once. Also, Schminternet. It doesn't matter, because everything is allowed on the internet. You can't s

Blog the Week 2: Free headsets for some, miniature earplugs for others

Sometimes, this is me at work. Probably more than I'd honestly admit. I'm not anti-social, I'm just really trying my best to be productive. Also, I'd rather not have to stop what I'm doing to listen to some kind of masturbation joke at 11am. Pro: Most people won't try to talk to you. Con: Some people don't really get the message and do that thing where they point at their ear a bunch of times and gesture for you to take off the headphones. Perhaps I should start taking advantage of the free, company-provided earplugs. And then wear them under my headphones.

Blog the Week 1: Confessions of a Community Manager

Fun fact of the day: The 4th Monday of January is known around the world as Community Manager Appreciation Day. Saying "around the world" is probably stretching it, given that the title "community manager" (in the sense that it's used today) is one of those fancy internet jobs and there are still many places around the world with no or limited internet access. Like various other "Appreciation Days" that have come before it (and will certainly come after it), it's equal parts genuine appreciation, empty gesture and self-promotion. Maybe not so equal parts, but I'll leave that up to you to decide. For my part, I came up with the (possibly difficult to understand) e-card sentiment that you see above. Personally, I think it's amusing. At my company, there are two categories of community managers. There are the game Community Managers, who deal with all of the various language communities for one game, and there are International Communi

Blog the Week 0

I'm trying to get back in to the habit of writing and I'm also trying to see if I can still set a goal and follow through. So this week, I've challenged myself (and my super friend Sweet Dee ) to write at least one entry each day. No restrictions on word count or subject matter. It's just an attempt to see if I can even just do it. No big deal.

R.A.P. statt E.K.G. - January 2012

I'll say this right off the bat, I can't upload the last show right now. I can't find my phone's USB cord, so I can't get the file off my phone. And my phone's bluetooth is also I can't really do anything about that. However, as usual, I do have some commentary about the show, as well as the playlist (which can be found at the end of the post). That way if you're curious about can re-assemble it yourself. Just without my voice...unless you take the time to splice together random commentary from past shows to add it to the music...but anyway, it wouldn't be the same. So don't even bother trying. I'll bump this post up once I'm able to get the show online. As I mentioned recently , there was an issue with a listener (and then with the radio station) about my show in December. I worked on a statement with Frosty that I read on-air this month. Unfortunately, I should have split it up into two moderation breaks

You've got some Schmidt on your face

I keep on top of my US television. I won't say how, nor will I reveal my sources...but, yeah, it's a thing I do. Also, sometimes I watch really crap television. And I enjoy, there... Zooey Deschanel, aka Professional Manic Pixie Dream Girl and Internet Ukelele Enthusiast , has a really horrible new TV show, in which she plays a character basically mixes both of those things together in an overly schmalzy, pseudo-hipstery, borderline mentally unsound way. It's called "New Girl" and it's bad. Honestly, don't bother with it at all. I feel like I watched it so that you don't have to. The saving grace is a character on the show named Schmidt. I suppose it's only a saving grace for me, since most of you do not actually have a friend that you almost exclusively call Schmidt. Your loss. However, I do. And TV Schmidt is so different from real life Schmidt that it is hilarious to me. TV Schmidt's douchebaggery is unparalleled. So much so, t

Unpublished Business

As part of "Write More 2012" (I dunno if I'll keep calling it that; it was just the first thing to come to mind), I've been going through about 30 unpublished blog entry drafts to see if there were any that were at least semi-useable. Turns out, I started way more entries than I actually put online last year. Some were just single sentences or key words that I typed so that I could re-visit the topic later. I have no clue what they were supposed to be about, so I deleted those. Some were actually fairly long, albeit rambling/not very coherent entries that I couldn't bring myself to publish. Those got trashed as well. However, some were decent, just unfinished. I'll keep those around and work on them and maybe they'll eventually see the light of day at some point. One untitled entry just had a link to a video. I'm certain that I had just seen Morgan Spurlock's latest documentary , which I enjoyed. However, I have no idea if I was going to write ab

Radio Drama (Part Infinity)

I haven't posted any new RAP statt EKG radio news in awhile simply because I haven't really done a live show since September (unless you count the special guest DJ in November). Fridays can often be meeting-heavy at work, plus I thought it would totally be a great idea to schedule my therapy appointments for every Friday at 9am. I realized what a horrible scheduling mistake I had made basically the first Friday when I had therapy, a shit ton of meetings at work and then had to somehow jet off to the radio station by 5pm to go on air. So I pre-produced when I could, did a handful of shows live in the studio and then the rest were just old shows from the back catalog of classics. No need to post that ish up again. Luckily this year I've been able to switch around some stuff so that Fridays shouldn't be that much of a problem anymore. Unfortunately, once again, I find myself honestly contemplating looking for either a new station or some sort of radio alternative. I had an


Wouldn't you know it? I'm finally getting around to looking into considering getting a domain for the ol' bloggity blog and my preferred choice is taken! And all I wanted to do was save everyone the time of having to type the 8 characters that make up blogspot. Oh well. As usual, it sucks to be all of us . I should have jumped on that back when I first had the idea, because it was totally available then. I know, I looked into it and everything. I just had like zero monies to actually make it happen. And's too goddamn late. I suppose I could blame Jack's complete and utter lack of originality (wherein I am Jack's). As you know, when you arrive at my blog, the title graphic reads "If it's not Raven, it's crap". And from there, if you know anything about classic Saturday Night Live sketches, then you know that I totally ripped it off of pre-Shrek-and-Fat-Bastard-and-So-I-Married-an-Axe-Murderer-late-80s-SNL-Mike-Myers. Here's an examp