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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Best Revenge

  Gather round, boys and girls, and I'll tell you the epic tale of the past two and a half months. Ok, maybe more list than tale-form., but it has been epic, indeed.  At the end of 2011, something clicked. I can't really explain it in more concrete terms; it was like I felt the first sprouts from a seed of possibilities. I hadn't felt that way in a long, long time and it felt really good. I didn't even have much to go on, aside from just this vague feeling. Still, the fact that it was there, was kind of a big fucking deal for me.  Maybe it was the fact that 2012 marked my sixth year in Germany; maybe it was because I had finally gotten my permanent contract. I don't want to over-analyze it too much. I want to enjoy it as it is, but still take a moment to not-so-humble brag (in no particular order). 1.) My Sexy New Job (Title) Community Management is decidedly un-sexy. It's probably one of the most demanding jobs that I've ever h