I'm back in OKC right now. This trip was made possible by the generosity of a number of friends, family and colleagues who, in the span of about a workday, managed to cover the cost of a short-notice, intercontinental flight. It's been five years and so many things have changed (I mean, even aside from the obvious fact that both of my parents are now deceased). The city where I grew up and spent about the first 20 years of my life (and, intermittently, my early 20s) is only vaguely familiar. I remember the basic layout and major landmarks, etc. But overall, the place just looks different. I'm staying at my sister's place, which is on a side of town where I never spent much time anyway...so that probably also adds to the peculiar foreign feeling. It's not bad, just different. Less like a feeling of being "home" and more like "being in the city where I'm from" -- if that makes any sense. I got to see all of my siblings the evening that...