I padded this weekend with a few days off, so that I could try to get (or keep?) my head on straight as I plow through to the end of the year. There are only a few more weeks until I'm off for the holidays and I feel like I've lost some of my focus. It could just be general early-winter malaise. It could be that it will probably take awhile until this time of year doesn't feel like a big pile of suck. So in the interest of semi-productivity, here are a few things that I want to check of my to-do list with whatever remaining time I have left this year: 1.) Game pitch with Supa D - I think we're actually pretty close to getting this done and I don't think it's half bad. I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to polish it up in the next two days, but I can see myself putting this one in the "done" pile by the end of the month. 2.) Finish (or at least prototype) my own interactive story - Wanna know why I haven't written about Adventures in Narra...