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Showing posts from March, 2014

Turn My Headphones Up - March 2014

This was actually my first real show of the year, since both January and February were repeats. In January, I procrastinated too long and didn't have enough time to prepare anything. Then, in February, I was sick. However, since the end of December and for the first time since starting at FSK, I'd been toying with the idea of ending the show altogether. Ok, that's not completely true. There have been times when I considered quitting, but those were more rage-quit-because-of-some-internal-radio-station-squabble and not because I simply no longer felt like being on the radio. This was different: no backup or alternative plan to stay on the air. It probably doesn't help that the radio station might be moving to a different part of the city and I might have to quit anyway, if the commute between the office and the station is too far apart. Internally, I've just decided to keep going until all of that is settled and see whether or not I'm just in a slump. This

Becoming German #1: Initial Setbacks

I've entered my eighth year of residency in Germany, so you know what that means... Ok, you probably don't know what that means, so I'll just tell you. It means that I'm eligible to apply for German citizenship. It's not the only way to become German and it's certainly not the easiest way (which is, for the record, via birth canal + German parent and I'm afraid it's way too late for that). The minimum eight year residency requirement was something I found out during my Immigration Saga and I told myself once I reached that marker, I would seriously contemplate the naturalization process. So the "Becoming German" posts will sort of document my thoughts and experiences along the way. The posts won't be too regular, since I'm still at the beginning stages (and I've found out it's going to be a lot more complicated than I anticipated).*

Things I'd Rather Forget & Rappers I'd Like to Befriend

Thank goodness it's Sunday. Normally, I'd be psyching myself up to face a new week, while clinging desperately to the last remnants of the weekend. Today, I'm totally ready to fast forward into the future just to put some distance between me and the abysmally stupid and embarrassing moments that I've inflicted upon myself in the past 7 days. While I'm no stranger to eating crow , putting my foot in my mouth, or being caught with my pants down (in both the literal and idiomatic sense), I feel like these instances took place in rapid succession this week. Some involved booze, some didn't...but, yep, I'm in the grip of a nasty shame spiral. Not bottomless, by any means, but intense enough to make me want to retreat from everything for the next few days until it all blows over. Or take a handful of Forget-Me-Nows .