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Showing posts from August, 2016

TMHU... Kills You In Spanish

Up until now, Spanish-language hip-hop has only been on my radar in a very peripheral way. And there, mostly in the context of bilingual US-american emcees. Sparked by my recent journey to learn the language, and using music as a means of advancing towards that goal, I decided to look a little more closely.  And… whoa. Talk about opening the floodgates. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before, but nearly half a billion people speaking one language and dispersed over several continents is an extremely fascinating exercise in the acquisition and expression of hip-hop culture.  I tried to make a mix of some of the artists I’ve been listening to as of late. Right now, my understanding of the music is still on a very superficial level. I like the way it sounds, but my understanding of the lyrics is still rather limited. It’s sure to be a hodge-podge of accents, dialects, and flavors.  Chances are good that I’ll revisit this particular subject more than once (maybe showcasing

¡¿Qué he hecho?! Parte 1: El Rey

My postings have been few and far between. A wise friend once said, "Yeah, it's pretty easy not to write when everything is awesome." I concur. Still, my blog isn't about good or bad. It's about amusing me. Right now, I'm making an honest effort to learn a third language - the ol' Español. Each week in class, we have to write a short paragraph in present perfect answering the question, "What did you do this past week(end)?"  These post will be about (mostly fake) shit that I do (mixed with real shit or not #obfuscation). Always in terrible Spanish... with what I intended to write after the cut. Just like when I was in 7th grade German class, but with a slightly better grasp of grammar. Enjoy! Normalmente soy una organizadora de proyectos, pero esta semana he sido un rey. Sí. Un rey. No una reina. Rey Guillermo "el Inteligente". Rey Federico "el Joven" . Rey Balduino "el Amante". He sido muchos reyes. En realidad so

TMHU presents: Tyrannosaurus-Ex Dance Party

My process for choosing show playlists goes something like this: Create folder labeled [Month name]  Bit-by-bit dump in tracks that I like  Week before show: Begin culling the list Week of the show: Holy shit… really start culling the list Two days before show: Mix first hour Evening before the show: Mix 30 minutes of the second hour -> panic -> DGAF -> whatever This process leaves me with about 70% of that original folder un-played (for various reasons). Hence, the “TMHU presents:” Mixes. Here’s one with a bunch of breakup song remixes and mashups. Enjoy!