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Showing posts from November, 2016

The One Who Got Away (Part 3)

In contrast to registering for the citizenship test, taking the test is pretty straightforward. I arrived at my assigned testing center 20-ish minutes before the prescribed start. And, because this is professional level Ausländershit , I was not the first to arrive. There were at least 15 bureaucratically-seasoned test takers already there. Respect. We all knew what was up. Like I mentioned previously, there's a pool of 300 questions + Bundesland (state) specific questions. But I'm going into this with some 20+ years of learning German history and culture. Go to the iTunes store or Google play and get a free/well-rated app. Do all the questions at least once or twice (more if you find it difficult) and then just do practice tests until you feel "comfortable enough". For me, comfortable enough meant that regardless of the constellation of questions, I could answer 20 with 100% confidence (you need 13 correct to pass). I don't think I ever got 33 correct, but

TMHU presents... My Interesting Lady Friends

Let the power of Ann Perkins and Leslie Knope wash over you, hip-hop stylez...

The One Who Got Away (Part 2)

During my first info session at the naturalization office, they gave me a checklist of everything that I needed to submit for my* application. * = If you somehow find this post looking for information about acquiring German citizenship, please just be aware that your particular circumstances may require you to submit completely different things (maybe more things, maybe fewer things... you lucky bastard). Go to their office, get your own checklist. Don't be the guy who's like "A random person on the internet said these were all the things. Blarg. Arg. #Me so angry. I guess I'll go fuck myself now." The hashtag in "me so angry" was a totally accidental typo, but it supports my point so it stays. The naturalization application A declaration of any past/present political affiliations and memberships