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Showing posts from April, 2017

109 Days

How's my driving? Nearly halfway in and here's what I've been up to... My longest Duolingo streak: 31 days. Cuánto español puedo hablar? Más que Mike N. Back to School: My project management course is under way. The streber in me rejoices. Breaking Bones: See previous post Coding/Ruby:  Kind of backseat at the moment. I will revisit this topic in August. I think my new rig will help (see below) I got a really nice new laptop yesterday. You can't see it, of course, because I don't think it can take a picture of itself. Maybe... I've avoided Windows 10 for a while now and haven't taken a look at the feature list. Anyway, my phone is also all the way across the room and I'm really comfy on the sofa under all these blankets, so you'll just have to trust me on this one.  The whole thing was an early birthday surprise from Duncan  and, I think, a clever ploy to get me to stop schlepping my work laptop between the office and home. Or maybe

Broketoe Mount-ow!

I'd never broken anything before. That's because -- aside from a few traumatic near-drowning incidents and a tragic slip-n-slide accident -- I was basically the safety police as a child. As an adult, I think I most feared a slipping in the bathroom-type accident. You know, those close call moments when you step out of the shower, your foot slips a bit, and your life flashes before your eyes. "This is how I die," you think. And then a split second later the moment has passed and you put some damn clothes on. My bathroom slip kind of snuck up on me. Ok, the floor was wet. But it was probably the dancing and being a slightly drunk at the time that did me in. And I didn't even have time to think. I was just suddenly on the ground. At the time, I didn't even realize that I broke my toe. It wasn't until I got up the next day and basically tried walking and decided this was definitely ER-worthy And that's how I lost my broken bone virginity. Highl