One of the blurses (that's a blessing + curse) of working in the games industry is that, in the course of a normal workday, you're often sent links to various games...and you're encouraged to give them a try. It's really part of the job and it is awesome actually. I'm not complaining about it by any means. Occasionally, however, a game sweeps through the office with such abandon that everyone gets hooked on it until they have basically played it into the ground (e.g. reach the end, get all available achievements, rage quit, etc. - it varies from person-to-person). Last week, we all discovered Cookie Clicker and, for the most part, lost our collective shit over this game. Right off the bat, it reminded me of Candy Box! They both have an experimental sort of feel to them. Both have wonderfully bizarre backstories that emerge during gameplay, complete with twists and turns that draw the player into a world where sweets are currency and just about anything can hap...