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Showing posts from April, 2009

You're welcome (for me being born)

Papa Schmidt's B-Day card from the Super 8 Motel You should probably ask me again in two years, but as for right now...I enjoy getting older. It's like your own personal New Year's Day. If I weren't so afraid of getting blown up by fireworks, I'd go around throwing firecrackers at passer-bys from my balcony. I think that most people also enjoy getting older, even if they don't admit it. They might not like the physical aspects (wrinkles, the odd and curiously long gray hair growing out of the side of your face, slower hangover recovery times) ... but I wouldn't trade who I am now to be the jerk/idiot/asshole/naive/idiot that I was 10 years ago. And really, I wasn't even that big of a jerk/asshole back in the day (at least to anyone that didn't have it coming). I was and am pretty dumb, but (the way I see it) every day I'm a little bit smarter than the day before. So, that's a good thing right? And after a year, I'm a whole year smarter (

Life Recapped: The Return of the Internet

As you might have noticed, I haven't updated in over a month. I had to go back and see what my last post said before I started with this one because I don't remember where I left off. It was shortly after Tunde's visit, in case you also forgot (or are incapable of scrolling down to the entry below). Well, a lot of stuff happened between then and now. Frosty came and stayed for a week, his buddy Manne joined us for a few days as well. We did lots of exciting things. It was so exciting that I won't even get into the details here, as that will probably just overwhelm you. On the second day of Frosty's visit, the internet broke. Fortunately for (most of) the rest of the city/country/planet, the internet breakdown was localized in our apartment. Fortunately for Schmiddy and me, our internet provider immediately sent over an elite squad of internet nerds to tackle the problem and we hardly even noticed the outage. Or at least that's what they did in their minds.