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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Who's to blame?

I speak German.

I speak German rather well.

I speak German well enough so that (aside from my crazy non-German name) people don't automatically pinpoint me as an American from my least within a 5-10 minute introductory exchange.

Ok so maybe that's just my opinion...or at least the word around the way. For the most part.

I'm always asked "Why?" or "How?". Seriously...just one word questions. I don't really know what is meant by that. I guess either why I decided to learn German or how I managed to not completely suck at it.

Those are tough questions, to which I have no acceptable answers. I can tell people that I want to live in Germany because they have meat that you can spread on bread like butter, but it doesn't really hold up. I think it's amazing technology, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't make for a good answer.

Pictured at the top of this post is the woman who inspired my appreciation of German (language/culture/etc). Frau B: My inspiration for the Deutsch.

She rocks so hard. Her students tend to have a habit of continuing on learning German. In's really a phenomenon. She's so amazing, even when she has been trying to convince me to get a Master's for the last 4 years.

Everyone needs a Frau B. in their life. We're on a first name basis now.... and she's stopped calling me Pickles. I can't even call my kindergarten teacher by her first name....


Mofo from do said...

I don't even wanna know why you are still in contact with your kindergarten teacher

lebrookski said...

I went to school with my kindergarten teacher's daughters. Then I became friends with those daughters....

So it's like hanging out with your friends, but their parents are nearby. And one of their parents are your kindergarten teacher.