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Showing posts from March, 2011

R.A.P. statt E.K.G. - March 2011

Invincible - Sledgehammer It's March and the first two shows of the year were repeats from last summer. Except for the hour-long set last month from J.H. who came through on the ones and twos. What to say about this month's playlist? Musically, it's my favorite so far. Each show there are always some tracks that, in retrospect, I think are kinda craptastic and that I really shouldn't have included them. Though still, on average and on a personal level, I enjoy 75-80% of the music that I play. This time, out of 30 songs, there were 3 that I just sort of slapped in there. I couldn't find the albums that I was looking for, even though I'd torn through my music cases and CDs (and my room) in the process. But overall, there's some damn good music in there (if I do say so myself...and I do) The theme for this month is women in hip-hop. March 8th was International Women's Day, so that worked out conveniently. However, it's a compilation that I've been

It's a small world after all

K.I.Z. - Das System (Die kleinen Dinge) Older video, sure...gratuitous usage of auto-tune, oh yeah. Still, I'm endlessly amused by the Berlin rap group K.I.Z and their ode to small junk, filmed in the Hamburg red light district (St. Pauli - Reeperbahn). Also, there's Sido without his mask and a cameo by DJ Mad . In a way, I kind of think it's some kind of subconscious jab at the Hansestadt. Even though I do recall the Facebook/Myspace call for video extras on the day of the shoot... still amuses me

Epic Vegan Meal Time

For Frosty (I really couldn't help just came up). LU :-) My favorite part is the prerequisite 15 cloves of garlic thrown in. And the seaweed strip, seaweed strip, seaweed strips. Missing ingredients? Cumin & hot sauce. * Also the prerequisite scene from Scott Pilgrim vs The World *= Frosty and all of his roommates can cook way better than this. Love me some vegans!

Hardcore food porn

Epic Meal Time is just like the name says...epic. But it's also like the Bangbus of food porn? Well, ok...maybe not, but it's definitely on the gonzo side of food porn. It's bananas. Here's my favorite episode: "For all you stupid muthafuckas, that's a flat-ass pancake" Epic Meal Time videos have been floating around the office for awhile now. And I really thought nothing could top them. That shit was crazy, right? Well, today I saw my first episode of "Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time"...and it blew my mind. And then I kept watching more...because...well, you'll just have to watch. I should have known, there's a surprisingly large Swedish contingent at work (I call them Team Sweden). They are insane, see for yourself. No quote, I just like it when he chews the coffee beans "Time to slice up the bread - Swedish Style. And you've got to be gentle with it, just like moose meat and Swedish ladies." To steal a line from her

Wichtig und beliebt

So, Tunde is back in the States and my apartment is recovering from around a week's worth of 3 people camping out in my room. It'll probably take the rest of the week to get it back to "normal" -- whatever that means. My birthday party location has been secured, so mark your calendars (I'll be sending around the date in about a month). For now you can make an educated guess. It's not going to work out with that bunker (sadness), but it gives me at least a goal to work towards. I mean, I'm not going to fully give up on throwing parties, just because I'm turning 30. At the moment, the worst part is that I don't have time to plan my party. I'm trying to reduce that to the bare minimum. A guest list, a playlist, a basic foundation for a bit of a buffet, and trying to find the best way to impart to people that I'd prefer buffet donations and/or donations to my preferred non-profit org(s) rather than gifts. That should be fairly easy...ish. Sti