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Showing posts from November, 2013

Filler Post #72 - Wrap it up, B

I padded this weekend with a few days off, so that I could try to get (or keep?) my head on straight as I plow through to the end of the year. There are only a few more weeks until I'm off for the holidays and I feel like I've lost some of my focus. It could just be general early-winter malaise. It could be that it will probably take awhile until this time of year doesn't feel like a big pile of suck. So in the interest of semi-productivity, here are a few things that I want to check of my to-do list with whatever remaining time I have left this year: 1.) Game pitch with Supa D - I think we're actually pretty close to getting this done and I don't think it's half bad. I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to polish it up in the next two days, but I can see myself putting this one in the "done" pile by the end of the month. 2.) Finish (or at least prototype) my own interactive story - Wanna know why I haven't written about Adventures in Narra

Turn My Headphones Up - November 2013

"You got a math problem? She gon' stomp it out." I've been kinda terrible with posting this month, but I better start getting back into the swing of things. Last Friday was the latest episode of Turn My Headphones Up and as playlists go, it's probably one of my favorite for the year. Well, at least I think the first hour is pretty solid, mix-wise. So that's something, right? One of my favorite rap people as of late is Chicago's ShowYouSuck . I intended to play a bit more of his stuff on the show, but for some reason it didn't work out. He's got some crazy stuff. Kind of reminds me of a more polished gmcfosho (a mix of weird/funny/nerd stuff, but still a bit too street to categorize as nerdcore). Anyway, ShowYouSuck dropped like 9 mixtapes and EPs in 2013 . Even the album covers are interesting. I also played a couple of tracks from Fatoni & Edgar Wasser's Nocebo album, which has been in heavy rotation for awhile.  It's not so br