I know. There are a lot of things going on in the picture above. However, I've decided to outsource my food-related pics to make the covers for the Tuesday Nigh Supper Club Mixes. Random food in the pic, actual food eaten as the name of the mix.. it's all incredibly funny to me. And that's all that matters. For this particular mix (we're already a few behind) I decided to do a "Best Of Antilopen Gang" -- basically some of my favorite Antilopen Gang tracks... the ones that I would send to someone who has never heard of the group and who I think would enjoy it. Toby and Buche are excellent guinea pigs for this experiment. Also, I was on vacation and this was the easiest mix to make on the Monday evening when I returned. That said... props to me. Stay tuned for Vol. 3 "Seitan Döner". Also, the new Antilopen album is coming out in November and they'll be playing Hamburg for a 4th time this year... so let's see how this goes! Panik ...