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Showing posts from April, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...we have a winner

There was a time when I was a kid that I used to always incorporate water balloon fights into my birthday parties. Looking back, I don't really understand what I thought was so great about water balloon fights, aside from the idea of gathering around 15 of my closest friends and pelting them with water balloons. The ammunition is relatively cheap (which I guess my parents liked) and the territory (my house) was pretty familiar. All in all -- a pretty fun time. As I got older though, water balloon fights seemed kind of lame and for some reason I thought giant sandwiches would be awesome. So, I had a couple of birthdays in a row (my "Super Sweet 16" included), where I skipped out on the whole cake thing altogether and just got a giant 6ft (1.8m) "Party Sandwich" from Subway. I guess part of me thought that blowing candles out of a ridiculously long sandwich was totally something that I needed to cross off of the To-Do list for my life. My last birthday in OKC befo

Vorglühen (Pre-Party)

Two more days, until I say goodbye to my mid-20s. My second to last day was pretty swell. Frosty got into town late last night and today we crammed in a full day of action and adventure. That's the thing about a long-distance relationship. We see each other once -- maybe twice a month. I prefer having the home field advantage though. Maybe because I like being the hostess, rather than the host-ee... We went out for brunch, bummed around town, then went on an "alternative tour of the harbor" where we learned about Hamburg, the shipping industry and its relationship with third world countries. The weather was awesome and it was nice to have a day off where I didn't have to think about anything except relaxing. It's something that I haven't had the chance to do in a long time... Re: Frosty's veganish ways... well, it's stressful at times, which I knew it would be. I've known a lot of vegans in my time and pretty much everything that involves food pr

Potty Mouth? More like party mouth...

Created by OnePlusYou According to the Blog Cuss-O-Meter my blog has 1011% more cussing than the average blog. Mmmmm...just the way I likes it!

This is what it sounds like when tomatoes cry...

Reel Big Fish - Say 'Ten' So, I hit a snag this weekend while trying to figure out how to formulate this post. I wanted to write about The Boy , but I no longer want to actually refer to him as The Boy . It just sounds kind of lame and a little more than a tad patronizing. On the other hand, I don't quite feel comfortable with calling him "The Man", nor do I want to refer to him as T.B. -- because well, you know, though love and such can be likened to something like a horrible infectious disease -- it's not something you just wanna put out there like that. Not to mention the fact that I've sort of already established him as The Boy . See my problem? You just can't go switching up nicknames like that. But that's precisely what I'm about to do. Henceforth, The Boy will now be referred to as Frosty know, like the snowman ...anyway, I'll maybe give you all a few reminders so you can get used to the change. Now...let's get down to b

Hey, Newbie

The days where I'm like, "Wow, Germans sure do stuff diff'rent from us 'Mericans..." are few and far between. More often than not, I simply have an "Alriiiight...mental note to self"-moment. When in Rome...and all that jazz, right? I've been at the new job for around 2 weeks now. It's a fast-paced and chaotic environment, considerably more so than at FHHM (which says quite a lot, actually). I'm in the process of making preparations for a trade show at the end of May, so I've had a lot on my plate. My first impression? I start late. 9:30am to be exact -- which is like 1 to 2 1/2 hours later than the rest of the nerds, but half an hour earlier than my last job. Does it really bother me though? No. Because there are limits to my productivity, dammit. With the right motivation and a good night's sleep, however...I could probably be convinced to start at 9am. Any earlier and your pushing your luck. My second impression? Engineers like to

Help, when you need it most

I've been meaning to write an update re: my new job. Short & sweet: it's a lil bit of alright. However, since I'm still trying to figure out what exactly it is I'm supposed to do...I've put it off for awhile. Instead, here's a Public Service Announcement that I'm sure you'll find helpful, my nigs.