There was a time when I was a kid that I used to always incorporate water balloon fights into my birthday parties. Looking back, I don't really understand what I thought was so great about water balloon fights, aside from the idea of gathering around 15 of my closest friends and pelting them with water balloons. The ammunition is relatively cheap (which I guess my parents liked) and the territory (my house) was pretty familiar. All in all -- a pretty fun time.
As I got older though, water balloon fights seemed kind of lame and for some reason I thought giant sandwiches would be awesome. So, I had a couple of birthdays in a row (my "Super Sweet 16" included), where I skipped out on the whole cake thing altogether and just got a giant 6ft (1.8m) "Party Sandwich" from Subway. I guess part of me thought that blowing candles out of a ridiculously long sandwich was totally something that I needed to cross off of the To-Do list for my life.
My last birthday in OKC before going off to college (my 18th), was kind of about me celebrating my Trinidadian heritage and loving Ben Affleck... erm... I guess you just had to be there.
My next notable birthday was Number #20, where I said goodbye to my teenage years and smoked my first joint. Then, my dorm neighbor and I invented a very fun game that was kind of like table tennis. Except no table and using an actual tennis ball. Oh yeah...and instead of little tennis table paddles, we hit the ball with scuba diving flippers. Someone, somewhere may have pictures of me running around wearing a lab coat and goggles with an orange placed between my cleavage. Whatever...I was high and had declared myself "Tri-Boob" -- it totally made sense given the circumstances.
For my 21st, I was in Hamburg. That was an awesome party. It ended with me slipping and falling nearly face first into Schmidt's crotch, while simultaneously pouring a half a liter of beer into Toby's lap. Then I cried sad little beer tears until someone put me to bed.
I haven't really had an organized birthday party since about 2003 (my 22nd birthday), the year I graduated from college. Last year, I spent my bday with a couple of people in RLH. The year before that, I was recovering from a root canal/pulled wisdom tooth. There's really no place to go but up.
Last night, I went to Down Under (home of chicken wings) with my nearest and dearest. It was fun and we drank a lot. My official birthday party won't take place until May 17th, but there are some occasions that you just want to spend with the people that really know you best -- and like you in spite of the knowledge they possess regarding your inner workings. For some reason, people who enjoy my company (even though they have plenty of reason not to) truly amaze me.
Also, it's nice to have four strapping young men serenade you with a round of 'Happy Birthday'. If you don't know, as they say, you betta aks somebody!
This morning, I woke up and spent about 4 1/2 hours relaxing in the sun eating picnic food prepared by Frosty. He done did a good job.
I didn't take any pictures from Down Under or from the picnic, but I will take some from my big party in two weeks. Hopefully, I'll also get around to writing more entries by then.