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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Based on a true story

How can you sleep, if you're high on crack? That's a Chinese riddle for you.
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I don't want to get into too detailed of a description of the nonesense I deal with at work (even though some of it is quite funny), but I got a phone call the other day that was highly entertaining to me...yes, even more so than when I talked to the police about a rental car full of 8 "undocumented" I feel obligated to share the story.

But rather than write out the entire conversation, I feel like the story was worthy of a more artistic representation...

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Moral of the story, chil'ren: if you trade your rental car for've either just bought a car that you'll never get to use...or the police will have to be involved. Or both. There's no way around it, really.

1 comment:


Great article.. Thanks for the post