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Showing posts from May, 2010

R.A.P statt E.K.G. - May 2010

Here it is, the 2nd half of the May show. Zilv did her part live, so I don't have it yet. If she saved her part, I'll post it here later. I didn't really have a "theme" this month. It just was kind of coincidence that a handful of the songs that I played were from artists that I discovered through Twitter or Facebook or general social media time wasters. The hardest part this month was just settling on a playlist. I think I changed it up too much (at least 5 different times) so the transitions between the songs aren't really the smoothest ever, but I'm not a professional DJ, nor did I ever claim to be. Also my moderation is a bit rambling at times (but that's nothing new, is it?). I was listening to Zilv's part while I was at work, when she asked me to call her up at the studio and then said the studio telephone number on air. It was a few minutes before my part was supposed to start, so I thought something went wrong with my half. Instead, she

Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise...

Hint: This is the time when you should seek cover instead of filming Just like the Wu-Tang Clan, tornadoes ain't nothin' to fuck with. Still, growing up in tornado alley makes you kind of blasé towards the whole concept. In school, you're well-drilled from a young age in the art of ducking down in a hallway (or gymnasium or the center most part of your house and/or bathtub) and covering the tender area of your neck with your hands. Every Saturday at noon they test the tornado sirens. It's just one of those facts of life. On May 3rd, 1999 , a huge tornado hit Oklahoma City. On May 4th, I took my IB test in German. The power flickered on and off during the test, but the show went on. And a couple of weeks later, my high school commencement ceremony was held in the slightly damaged Rose State College auditorium. After the graduates received our diplomas, we were all instructed to head outside of the building because of...well...questionable structural integrity. C'est

Hostile Youth (ret.)

It's weird to think that The Boondocks was on hiatus for two years. I really didn't seem like that long. Oh but I love it and I was so psyched to catch the premier...uh...just like a few minutes ago. Don't just watch one episode of The Boondocks, watch all of them. That is my tip for you for the day. Just do it.

The 12-month goodbye

"I am so sorry sis, HAPPY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY TO YOU.......ha ha no really Happy Birthday. I know I am a few days late, but hey better be late then never. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. My nigga almost burned down my apartment, but at least if I know you had a good birthday, that is what Anyway tell Snookie I said hi (that is your boyfriend by the way) I forget what his name is, so I will just call him Snookie. Well sis I love you very much, and I have been drinking this liquor called New Amsterdam in remembrance of you. It is some high quality gin. Well, holla at me when you can. Love you" - E-Mail excerpt from my younger sister Cristal I turned 29 last Tuesday. For years and years, 29 was the answer that my dad always gave whenever we asked his age. It wasn't until I found his birth certificate while snooping around in my parent's bedroom that I figured out how old he really was (more like 49). I was like 10 or 11 years old at the time. Any