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Showing posts from August, 2011

Limping towards vacation

Free Beer I don't write a lot about my job these days, because I'm basically not really allowed. It's a big company with lots of non-disclosure stuff all around. And to be honest, a lot of my stories wouldn't really be as interesting as you would think. However, I will say one thing. I need a vacation. I really do. I work at an infinitely fascinating company. A company that for the last 2 weeks has offered free beer to its employees (after 6pm). I mean there's still beer this week (it's like the 3rd week) but they won't refill the fridges once this batch is gone. The reason that we got free beer was because apparently people complained that there wasn't enough beer at the last company gathering. (Also, because we're totally into priorities). But this is the place (the free beer place) that I'm just thinking -- I need a couple of weeks away. And that is an amazing thought to me. Frosty came up to Hamburg (surprised the shit ou

If you aren't watching Louie, you should start

Click to see a larger version

Angry Pomeranians

Quick post (because I told myself I'm gonna try to write some more of my b.s. on the reg) People love dogs in Germany. Sure, there are cat lovers as well, but no one really takes their damn cat out in public to go to a meal at a restaurant. Mostly because your cat will lose all respect for you, if you were to do such a thing. And...long story short...dogs are dumb and don't give a fuck. But German dogs, for the most part, ain't no joke. They are, on the whole, extremely well-behaved. So, on the occasions where I do run into a dog that is acting like an asshole, it ruins my day. (Please note that the previous sentence does contain hyperbolic elements) At any rate, I found myself in quite the dilemma on the way home from work this evening. I took my normal route from the U2 subway to my apartment and along the way I encountered two tiny-ass, angry Pomeranians (one looked like the one pictured above, the other was black). These two little asshole dogs (serio

R.A.P. statt E.K.G. - August 2011

Studio 2 (the small studio) Oh wow, I should be locked up for blog neglect. A whole month without an update, not even a radio show update. That last part can be explained though. Last month's show was a repeat. It's happened more than a few times this year, hell it almost happened this month -- but I managed to put some string a few nice joints together for two hours for your listening pleasure. I haven't cleaned up the playback yet (snip off the excess and merge the two files together), but that will be tomorrow's after work activity. So check back here again when that happens. This particular playlist was a bit hastily cobbled together (even more so than usual) with easy-peasy fade-ins & fade-outs and little regard to how the songs fit together. That is a bit sad in a way, since it's all music that I've really been diggin for the past month -- so I definitely didn't give it the attention that it deserved. That said, I was up until 2am on Frid