I read something interesting this past week, but I can't find it, so I'll paraphrase it. The gist of it was basically about filling your life with things (people, experiences, knowledge...blabla etc) that remind you about the qualities that you like/admire about yourself. On the surface it seems like an incredibly egocentric endeavor. It's highly likely that my misgivings stem from my own personal conditioning, in that I was brought up to believe/view selflessness as a virtue. But the more I've thought about it, the more it make sense and actually coincides with a piece of advice that I've given to others time and again. Namely, that you should probably make sure that your own head is on straight, before you traipsing off to help others get their shit together. That's also a really watered-down version, mind you. Still, it's been stuck in my head for the last two months and I find it applicable to my current situation. I'm not looking for a complete ...