Spent about 2 hours coming up with names for a cat character with an Indiana Jones vibe. The basic format being: US state name or actually any geographic entity + cat pun + super common last name. The results were a mixed bag. A lot of them were really terrible. Here are some highlights (and a few low, low, lowlights). Just sub in "Jones" as the last name for all of them. Smith, Brown, Jones...whatever. It's pretty interchangeable, in my opinion. Catsylvania Purrsylvania Katzakhstan Catmandu (barely even had to change this one!) Catstantinopaw (quite a stretch) Catalina Island North / South Dakata North / South Catolina Catsatucky Arkatsas Oklahomeow Nepawda Meowsachusetts Meowyland (we tacked "meow" to the beginning of every state that starts with 'M') Felinida (probably the absolute worst one) Upaw Connecticat Whiskernsin (this was actually my personal favorite with Meowsachusetts as a close second. "Ermegerd! Whiskernsin Jer...