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100 Days

The general consensus is that 2016 was a terrible year. Within my own social circle, I know that some of my friends certainly had a tough time of things. Plus, all the celebrities died. On a personal level, however, 2016 was not bad at all. I've had much... much worse years. For example, most of the years between 2005 and 2012 just felt like a whole bunch of this:

Comparatively, the last three years or so have been a fucking blast and 2017 has gotten off to a fine start. I think this year's reoccurring theme will be "acquiring pieces of paper that confirm that I know things". 

Finally, after about 2.5 months of studying and some encouragement from my mentor, I got up yesterday morning and finally took/passed the PSM I exam. As someone who essentially side stepped ninja-stylez into a project manager position (with dabblings in Scrum), I occasionally feel a bit inadequate with my lack of certifications. I know this isn't an indicator of ability, but my CV is kind of a wild ride and I'd like some anchors that show demonstrated and sustained interest and expertise in an area. Having been away from a school environment for so long, my confidence in my independent learning & study skills is a bit shaky. However, this was just the motivation that I needed to continue. Plus, I got this super fly certificate and "badge" so it's basically even realer than Pokémon GO. #keepinitreal

Next up: 
  • More Spanish... for real... for really really real. I need to be able to communicate or else these trips are going to become a lot less fun and more stress. The goal is B1 by the end of the year. 
  • More project management stuff - I'll be starting a course at the university in March. It's more traditional project management, but I figure that can't hurt either — seeing as how I only have like a 5 day training workshop to my name thus far.
  • Coding - I don't know exactly what coding language I want to learn as yet or how I want to learn it. I just know I want to learn at least one. 
  • PSM II - I'd like to have the PSM II test in my sights by the end of the year. I think this is contingent on my progress in applying my existing scrum skills professionally (easier) as well as connecting and networking with scrum masters and agile coaches outside of work (tougher). 
Anyway, at the moment, I want to just focus on the next 100 days and see how that shapes up. I'll try to document how it's going right here.  


Anonymous said…
So a scrum master seems super grimey yet still legit. It's been a long time, shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to. Like I clicked on that link to see what a professional scrum master is but that didn't help. From what I gathered in your post, it's like a Pokemon ninja or something. So yeah I feel like you should have a post called "I told you so" I feel like you saw this shit coming in the mid 90s, which is why you got the fuck out dodge and didn't look back. Well played my Lord Scrum, well played
lebrookski said…
Admittedly, the title "scrum master" sounds pretty dope. But it's basically about understanding how a particular framework for developing (mostly) software works. The framework is called "scrum" and I am a level 1 master of it.

Welp... I don't know if I saw this particular shit on the horizon back in the 90s. I was generally pretty apolitical (politically apathetic?) back then. I didn't get woke until W. was in office... and even then it took like most of his first term to connect the dots. But -- aside from wanting to claw out the eyes of anyone using the term "post-racial" -- I thought the US was heading into at least a mostly okay-ish direction.

Getting out of dodge was mostly just realizing 1.) I'm unlikely to ever pay off my student loan debt. So I should at least get somewhere where my wages can't be garnished 2.) I love having health insurance 3.) I don't see eye to eye with the U.S. working culture. Those things didn't/don't seem likely to change within my lifetime and U.S.-Americans as a group sometimes seem to actively resist things that are in their self-interest. So, overall, I decided it's not for me.

Anyway... it has been a long time. Was talking to Remy about you the other day. Heard another Coop is on the way. The first steps to wokeness are rough, because you just see all the shit everywhere and you can't unsee it. Stay strong and stay informed.

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