The following post brought to you by Toby's four green tomatoes, Raven's insomnia and the letter 'M' (for 'Mmmmm, tomatoes') Lately I've been having very disturbing dreams. That is, on the nights that I've been able to fall asleep. Anyway, sleep just wasn't happening for me last night (this morning?) So, I decided to quit trying and get online. So yeah...insomnia...web-surfing...Toby...right. Ok, so I was reading Toby's LiveJournal (you don't have to click that link really, because his journal is for friends only and it's in German). I found out that not only did he just finish reading the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (btw, I really hate that book, but I blame my high school Theory of Knowledge teacher, Dr. Warner, for that), but he also has four green tomatoes that he does not know how to put to use. In case you didn't know...tomatoes are a lot different from crutches . Hence the old saying, "Quit comparing t...