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Showing posts from July, 2008

The one about corn

One time I ran across an internet forum where this guy went on a pompous, long-winded tirade about the evils of corn. I wish I could find it again, because the dude really had absolutely no love for corn ... which was so random and hilarious to me. The whole thread was kind of a discussion about the industry of raising animals for food and then the process of growing food to sustain the livestock simply to keep the animals alive long enough so people can kill and eat them. For the most part, the discussions on the thread were quite civil. That is, until Corn-Dude showed up. He was a European male (I don't recall where he's from anymore) in his early 30s and, as I previously mentioned, completely anti-corn. According to him, not only does no one in Europe eat corn, but it's also widely regarded as being something like the equivalent of dog food. He ranted and raved at length about how he has never eaten a single kernel of corn in his 30 years of life and that, to his knowled

For every rhyme I write, it's 25 to life...

So…here’s the deal. I don’t remember the exact first time when I saw this tag, but I pass by it almost every day on the way to the Altona train station (it’s on the corner of Max-Brauer-Allee & Ehrenbergstraße, FYI -- if you care). I see it and I can’t decide if it’s one of the stupidest tags I’ve seen or – frankly put – pure, fucking genius. And there’s a part of me that’s really leaning towards the latter, because I think about this thing so damn much. ( Click Below for More ) The last time I thought this much about a single piece of graffiti was when I saw a “Free Tibet” piece damn near at the apex of the arch of this building . It was definitely an impressive feat, but I couldn’t help thinking to myself – and no offence intended to the plight of the Tibetan people – but, I thought, “What kind of writer would take all the trouble to get up to a spot that difficult and high up, and not paint their name?” I mean, if it were me…I probably wouldn’t have sprayed my name either, but I


Life without internet at home sucks. This is perhaps 100% due to the fact that me and the internets are like this, son . I mostly miss being able to look up random information whenever I want and checking my e-mail every 5 minutes. Also, skypin' with Frosty . I just gotta hold out for like 2 1 /2 more weeks, give or take. I've been filling up my time by watching the third season of Lost. I kinda quit in the middle because it just got kinda boring for me. Then, I kept hearing from people (on the internet) about how good season 4 was -- and then, I realized that it'd probably be a good idea to watch season 3 first anyway. So, that's what I've been doing, partially with Frosty in a ritual described by Schmidt as "fucking adorable", in which we ( Frosty and I) synchronize our video players and watch Lost together over the phone. I know, right? Also, Schmidt and I have somehow managed to find ourselves with a PS2. It's like it just fell from the heaven

Meet the Brookses Part 3 - Pickles

By special request, I'm bringing back an old feature called "Meet the Brookses", in which I "interview" my siblings and publish their answers. I interviewed my younger brother Remy in Part One and my younger sister (his twin), Cristal , in Part Two . Robbyn , aka Pickles , was feeling left out and could no longer suffer in silence, so she asked me to revive the feature and ask her some questions too. Robbyn is four years older than me and throughout my life we've had what most people probably think of as a "typical" big sister/little sister relationship. Definitely not the same kind of relationship that I have with Cris -- or with my other older sister Gillian . No, for much of my formative years, I tried my damndest to do everything that Robbyn did. I was the typical annoying little tagalong, copycat sister. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), Robbyn was never the kind of girl that was into chasing boys, wearing make-up, the latest fashio