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Showing posts from April, 2012

No, "bi" as in bicycle It took forever, but I did manage to recently get my hands on another bike. I need to get the light attached in more of a not falling off way and I need to get a lock to prevent another theft. Anyway, bicycle thieves are the worst... Translation: Missing!!! (Drawn from memory. Possibly different from the original) Last week, my bike was stolen in front of the uni. It is a 3-speed bike with a lightning bolt on the side and a fox tail. The fox tail and lightning bolt have possibly been removed. The bike was brand new from the shop. No reward! I don’t want this bike back. I only made this flyer in order to tell you that I hate you, bicycle thief. I hope that you ride my bike without a helmet and are run over by a monster truck. I hope my bike takes you straight to hell.

Bacon Guac Grilled Cheese Sammie heckyeahgrilledcheese : unobjectified : Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheese So, this is a thing to try as soon as humanly possible.

Holo-pac 2Pac “brought back to life” as a hologram at Coachella. Quite a few years later than his purported resurrection, but looks like he’s already getting up to speed: Delusional Downtown Divas #1 (Desperate Decadence) from Delusional Downtown Divas on Vimeo . I’m looking forward to the premiere of Girls , the new series with Lena Dunham that starts tonight. I’m never really sure what/how to think when I see her work. Her first feature film, Tiny Furniture , was difficult to watch (yet I also couldn’t stop watching it). I feel that way about most of her stuff that I’ve seen.

Elizabeth & Hazel deliciousdandyism : Elizabeth Eckford, the first black student admitted to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Photograph by Will Counts, 1957 The story of Hazel Bryan (now Hazel Massery) — the young white woman yelling in the background of the famous Little Rock Nine photo — also somewhat fascinates me in a way. Several years after this photo was taken, Massery looked up Eckford’s number in the phone book and called to apologize. Through the years, Massery also seems to have been involved with a number of projects helping low-income minorities. At the 40th anniversary of the desegregation of Central High School, photographer Will Counts (who took the original picture) took a “reconciliation” photo of the women (above). The two were even close friends for awhile, though it seems to have dissolved over the past decade, from what (in my woefully under-informed opinion) appears to be hurt feelings on the part of Mass

Local Area Man “So many of his childhood friends that weren’t killed in Vietnam went on to become criminals, prostitutes and/or Democrats…As the Celebration will contain Adult material we respectfully ask that no children under 18 attend.”

Tight dick, playa fifteenminutestolive : “Tight dick, playa.”

Namensrecht German child-naming guidelines have always confused and perplexed me. There’s really only one guideline that sort of makes sense, namely that the name shouldn’t damage the child’s well-being by ridiculing/making the child seem ridiculous or by implying some kind of connection to “evil”. Wikipedia uses the names Judas and Kain as examples, which are actually cool-sounding as far as names go. At any rate, the rest of those guidelines seem like a load of bullshit to me. You can’t give a child a name that might insult another person’s religious “sensibilities”? It’s one of those things that we always be a bit foreign to me as a non-German. Most people think that my name is made up anyway. Schmiddy’s dad even once went so far as to say, “Raven? What kind of name is that? It’s like naming your kid ‘Fence’” — well the actual word used was Gartenzaun (garden fence or, I suppose more contemporarily, the ubiquitous #hashtag). At any rat

“Push to add drama” …and that’s why you don’t go around pushing mysterious red buttons.
This is just a test post to try to see if this tumblr thing is doing what I want it to do. Nothing to see here, carry on.

Chicken & Deer

Family, friends, general internet strangers... Have you missed me? Yes? I don't believe you and you're very bad at lying. How do I know that you're lying? Duh, because I told you last month that I started a tumblr and I've been doing a lot of that. So I actually haven't been gone at all. Currently, I'm trying to figure out a way to crosspost some items at the same time that doesn't involve ctrl+a, then ctrl+c and then ctrl+v. Tumblr has been amazingly convenient for updating throughout the day and sharing my random finds. However, the only way (so far) that I think that I can realize my crossposting dream is to link my Tumblr rss feed to my Blogger "post by email" email address. That comes with it's own problems, namely a lot of email junk in the posts (which you might have caught if you've subscribed to my Blogger rss feed). At any rate, I'm working on a solution that is more acceptable to me. So, if you want a link to visit