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Showing posts from May, 2008

Real Name, No Gimmicks

Artist rendering I'm short two batteries to make my digital camera function, so I created this picture to give you an idea of what my new bike looks like. Admittedly, I took a few liberties in it's creation -- for instance, you can't see the awesome high-security ABUS lock that Frosty contributed. Otherwise, it's a pretty realistic rendition, I think. I got off work a bit early today so that I could spend some quality "get to know you (sober)" time with my new set of wheels. However, in order to get to know someone, you first have to know their name, right? And just a plain old factory name won't do. So, I rode around for awhile and pondered what I was gonna call it. On the one hand, it's a pretty bad ass bike, you know? I mean look at it. Do it. It says Avalanche on the side, which immediately makes me think of the baddest bad ass ever -- MacGyver...cause you know he was caught in an avalanche once , but totally survived and I can really relate to th

Brooks on Wheels

At the moment, this is the only (flattering) picture from my birthday party this weekend. The pirate hat and Mardi Gras beads are courtesy of Pickles and were a big hit, while worn in conjunction with my giant Mercedes symbol necklace (not pictured, unfortunately). Here, I'm reading the birthday card from Remy , Cris and Pickles and trying to contain my laughter. Like I said awhile back, I wanted to do something different this year (read: have an actual party) so I rented a bar and invited some people -- many of whom actually showed up! Jk...the turnout was great and the bar was comfortably full at some point, which warmed my little Mulatto heart. My big surprise present was that all of my awesome friends pitched in to get me a really nice bike. When I say nice, I mean like -- I probably wouldn't have even bought myself a bike this nice. It's real purdy. I will put up a picture as soon as I take a picture of it... The awkward part was when people were like, "Go take

T minus

My birthday party is about 2.5 hours to be exact. Frosty's in town, two of his friends from Dresden are staying with us as well. Schmidt has been hiding my present in his room for the past couple of days -- in addition to hijacking some birthday mail from Pickles (yes, it got here on time, but Schmiddy won't let me have it til tonight.) I'm kind of nervous/excited in a way. I don't really have an accurate head count. So, I'm mostly going to just let myself be surprised. Either way it'll work, I think. If the turnout isn't so big, then it just means more free drinks for the people that do show up and a nice and comfy third-party location in which to celebrate. And if a whole bunch of people show up...then I will not complain. Pictures and post-party report to come later...

Clearing my thoughtcicles

Big Bear - Doin Thangs It's kind of sad to think how long it's taken me to get around to posting this (awesome beyond words) album cover. Ah yes, 1998 -- back in the good ol' days when a feisty No Limit Solider inspired rap cover designers everywhere to say "Uhhh! (uhhh!) ph-photoshop, ph-photoshop!" Like Mr. Bear, I have also been recently involved in a number of nondescript and vague activities that are probably most effectively categorized under the heading of "doin thangs". What kind of "thangs"? I'd say that'd have to be mostly "big" and "lots of". Thank goodness it's May, though. My Schedule of Thangs is a bit more open. With two federal holidays, my birthday party + one vacation day, followed up by a 3-day airplane expo (wherein I look forward to consuming free "business juice" (i.e. alcohol) and passing around my business card) -- I really will only have "worked" slightly under 3 weeks