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Showing posts from December, 2006

So long, stink-year!

It's about 1:40pm on New Year's Eve and I have yet to make a single plan regarding celebration. Truth be told, this should have been discussed weeks ago...or, I mean, at the very least, a week ago. That didn't happen and no one is to blame. I'll just make it up as I go along. ....and if I don't see you tonight or tomorrow, have a happy 2007

My neighbors

The Gossipy, Slightly Racist Single Mom (GSRSM) - She lives on the ground floor, her bedroom window is right next to the entrance to the building. She knows everything that's going on in the house. Why? Well, besides the fact that she's boinking the Hausmeister (the building super), she doesn't really have a life outside of her part-time discount retail job. So her favorite topics of discussion are building gossip and how foreigners need to learn how to speak German if they are going to live in Germany. The latter conversation is always prefaced with "Of course, you know I have nothing against foreigners, but...". One time I was grocery shopping at Lidl and we ran into each other. By the time I got home, Seven knew exactly what I had purchased. The Filipino Family - They're on the first floor. Rumor has it that a bunch of people are living in this apartment. I've only seen two and they pretty much keep to themselves. Of course, I have nothing against f

Like gangbusters

Earlier today Papa S. , Andre and I walked all the way around the outer Alster . Yes, I know, contain yourselves. I got a cafe latte out of the deal. Papa Schmidt is a trip. I want him to come to Hamburg some more, but I would have to deal with the rather unpleasant side effect of Andre going a 35-year-old-woman-who's-afraid-of-becoming-her-mother-insane. It amuses me. Andre , on the other hand...not so amused. But this is ok, because I reap all of the benefits. And now that Papa S. and I are on "du"-terms (the informal "you") instead of using "Sie" (formal) ...well, let's just say I'm working on a first draft of the adoption papers. Maybe it's because my family is so far away right now or maybe it's because no one in my family has EVER visited me anywhere that I've ever lived (with the exception of my graduation from Smith...oh, and my room in my parent's house, but that doesn't really count), but I apprec

Standing Room Only

So, here's a brief rundown of the past few days: Wednesday: Went to the Curse concert in the Fabrik. Hooray for the guestlist! I took a picture with DJ GQ . It was his birthday and he's way dreamy. However, since I didn't want to look like a complete tool asking for his photo, I had Fatma (a colleague from work) tell him that it was my birthday, too. Later, I didn't feel so bad about the fib, since he told me he had just turned 20... which means when I saw him 5 years ago he would have been 15 and I find that to be un-possible. He was probably just foxin with me because my lies are so transparent. Oh well, at least he smelled real nice. Thursday: Watched the rest of the episodes from the first season of Heroes . In hindsight, I probably should have rationed the viewings... Friday: We had a special Christmas breakfast at FHHM , no actual work got accomplished, but I did learn some interesting things about the people who held my position before me. Namely that they were

Filler Post #38 - How come nobody ever told me...

that Heroes is such a good show? Duh...I'm in Germany, remember?! Gotta keep me up on these things, people... (MissFee, I'm looking at you) Anyhow, thanks for distracting me on this fine Thursday evening. Otherwise, who knows what kind of trouble I would have gotten myself into? Well...I mean, I know... but that's none of y'all's business.

Obligatory Blog Update

Last night, I went to the press screening of the movie Die Rotkaeppchen Verschwoerung The literal translation of the movie title is: The Little Red Riding Hood Conspiracy , but you may know it as Hoodwinked , which came out approximately forever ago and is just now getting into German theaters. Two German hip-hop artists contributed their voices to the film ( Smudo & Jan Delay )...which goes into explaining tie-in with the whole press thing...yadda yadda. Actually, no one in the office was really interesting in going, except for me and another chick...'cause we're all about free alcohol...and free movies. Turns out, I didn't think the film was all that great, but it was short...and I did get free booze, free gingerbread cookies, and a free poster with Smudo's autograph that I donated to the RLH Bar (for free ). Oh yeah, speaking of which, I went to the RLH Bar last night (after the screening) all hopped up on the free goodness...had a couple mor

Filler Post #37 - City Blues

Sometimes when I feel like I need to hear a kind voice to pick up my spirits, I give Mo a ring. More specifically, I let his phone ring 3 times and then hang up. He calls me back within 30 minutes, then we spend the next two hours discussing some random topic, which not only ends up making me smile, but also gives me the opportunity to fill up my pre-paid cell phone with much-needed credit (since I get money credited to my phone whenever I get calls, and he's got a flatrate plan -- tres convenient) At some point while talking yesterday, Mo was telling me about how patients in the hospital where he works often engage him in conversations revolving around religious topics -- which is something that the two of us do on occasion as well. What can I say? I like hearing about what other people believe in. It's never really a debate and it normally starts off with a serious tone, until some kind of Mo -isms gets thrown in and shakes things up. So, he's telling me about a patient

Lunchtime survey

I stumbled across this survey on LiveJournal and since it's my lunch break and I forgot my lunch...well, here it goes: ( Click below for more ) 1. You wake up and there are spiders all over your wall and on your bed. What do you do?: I'm not down with spiders. Unless we're talking about Spider-Man...he could stay. So, I'd probably just scream. A lot. Maybe try to vacuum them all up and I would *seriously* consider finding another place to live. 2. After you handled your spider problem, you go to take a shower. You turn on the water and... mud comes out. What now?: Lucky for me, I turn on the water before stepping in the shower. I'd get dressed as usual. If I felt particularly not-so-fresh, due to the spider incident, I could always take a shower at work. At any rate, I'd definitely spend the morning surfing the net for a new place. 3. Now you want to eat breakfast. You open the cabinet and there`s nothing in it! What do you do for breakfast?: Buy a Franzbrötche

Hang 'em high...

Photographic evidence of my uselessness The party last night was fun. It could have been more fun and for those of you who missed it, no worries, because although there was quite a number of people there, there weren't as many people there as anticipated. So...they're probably gonna throw another shindig after Christmas/New Year's. ( Click below for more ) I like DJing -- mostly for the reason that it's the only 100% sure way that I know I'll enjoy the music at a party. I don't consider myself "good" at DJing (in any sense of the word), I just like standing there and looking like I semi-know what I'm doing. At the party, there was the main dance floor/bar area, where I was working. Additionally, there was a shitty hipster/indie rock "dance floor" (convulsion room?) and a metal lounge (which I find somewhat contradictory, as heavy metal isn't exactly music by which to "lounge"...but whatevs). I shared DJing duties with Andre