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Showing posts from February, 2006

This is not the greatest post in the world...

this is just a tribute I was looking for this picture that I have of my oldest and dearest friend Vijita. It's a photo of her back when we were in high school and she's standing next to my car (R.I.P). I could have sworn I just saw that picture the other day, but alas, I cannot find it. Sadness... Anyway, during my search, I came across a whole bunch of other pictures...not of me or Vijita...or both of us together...but like a ton of pictures of cars. They really brought back some memories, because the two of us spent a few weeks one summer tramping around Great Britain. And while most people would take pictures of landmarks like bridges or statues...or old walls, Vijita and Raven chose to spend obscene amounts of film taking pictures of cars that we thought looked cool. I can't even remember what cities we were in, since all of the photos pretty much look the same anyway: cobblestone street, some old-lookin' buildings and a hot set of wheels (sometimes sandwiched betwe

Pot roast

Robbyn says, "Recipes are for white people." I (almost) totally forgot that today is my brother Junior's birthday. I haven't talked with him in a minute, so Robbyn called him up tonight and we had a little chat. Turns out, in addition to being an Army vet, dentistry student, talented artist and former he's just starting to play the guitar in a jazz band...damn you, bro...and, um, happy birthday. Now that I have that out of the way. I'd like to tell you about a little conversation that I had with André this afternoon. It went a little like this: Him: BROOOOOOKS! Me: SCHMIIIIIDT! *an eternity of silence* Me: I don't really have anything to say. Him: Me neither. Me: I have to start dinner. Him: What are you making? Me: A pot roast. Him: What's that? Me: Beef...and a pot...that you put in the oven... Him: Like a beef casserole? Me: No, not like a beef casserole. In fact, it goes a little something like this: Raw slab of m

My "Oh" Face

...declared the lonely pirate, before he turned and sighed, "Arrrggggh..." I heart the OKC Metro alt-weekly, the Oklahoma Gazette . It's an interesting read and a great source of info on cool-ass places in the city that I never knew about (even though I don't really have the time to go to any of them...although, watch out shawarma place, for it is about to be on, like the proverbial Donkey Kong). Within the Gazette's pages, I also learn how much it would cost to move into one of those swanky Bricktown loft apartments that I used to dream living in when I was younger and, in general, the publication offers a much-needed contrasting voice to our lame-ass state newspaper, The Daily Oklahoman . All of that, my friends, for my favorite price -- free (God bless the alt-weekly...) In fact, one of the only things I don't enjoy about the Gazette is the syndicated "Free Will Astrology Horoscope" . Lord knows, I have a weakness for reading my horoscope, especi


Strap yourself in and feel the G's Another action-packed, emotionally-intense work week wraps up today. I couldn't be happier, even though two days off isn't really ever enough. Still, this Thursday - Monday schedule virtually eliminates the dreaded scourge of "The Mondays" for me. For while most people get up on the first day after the Saturday/Sunday weekend thinking, "Oh yeah...fuck...gotta go back to work." I'm thinking, "Oh fuck yeah! Eight (or so) more hours til freedom!" Then, in my mind, I strike a kind of Eriq La Salle-in-the-ER-opening-credits kind of pose* and the feeling lasts all day long. It tides me over until Thursday (aka payday). *= ok, sometimes when no one is looking...I actually do the pose for real.

Obey my dog

"No, I was wack." When I was at Smith I used to plan out my path to and from classes and/or town based on the route which would take me uphill the least amount of times. It probably affected my first year the most, when most of my classes were in McConnell and Sabin-Reed, but it also influenced how I would walk down Bedford Terrace to go into town and walk around that big-ass hill to get back. It was an inevitable uphill tramp, but the lesser of two evil (hills). Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against hills...well, actually, that's not completely true. Hills are dumb. However, like Miss Fee (or was it Mrs. Fee * -- how's she doing, by the way?)...anyway, one of those Fee women was always talking about how my accent is long and flat like the wide open plains. So, really, if you think about it...I can't help my quirky ways... Anyhow, I don't have to really worry about hills in Oklahoma. The few that we do have, we call mountains and that litt


It's not what you think, I think...I'm drunk off life...and beer Once again, it's that time. Time to shrug off the chains placed on us by "The Man" *ahem* No, but seriously, I get home from work so fucking late, which is only the fault of "The Man" in a roundabout way...mostly it's just a really sucky feature of my life at the moment. The second worst thing about getting off of work so late is that when I get home, I can't just curl up and go to bed (which is pretty much all I think about when I'm at work anyway). No, by the time I get back home, I'm not tired at all. So I'm usually awake until about 3am. And the worst thing, is that by the time I get home...there's not even really anything good on TV...well there's Conan O'Brien (the whole thing about how he looks like the president of Finland ...hilarious). However, aside from Conan the only thing I find worth watching is Comedy Central. In and of itself, this isn't

La-la la-la, la-la la-la

"Ich hab eh schon versucht simple zu sein, doch das geht nicht gut. Es liegt mir im Blut, Ma und Pa, blame it on you..." I couldn't really think of a way, much less a picture, to kick off this post. So there you go...a cat in a sink. It's neither my cat, nor my sink. But it kinda makes you think, right? Anyway, yesterday Moms and I were rollin around town in my dad's truck, running errands and so forth. It was a pleasant 60 degrees, so we had the windows down and the system up, blasting Curse down May Ave. And my mom was like, "I don't understand what they're saying, it's all jubba-jubba-jah to me." And I was like, "Well, yeah, it's German, Ma." Then she was like, "Oh ok...I thought they were just saying something to say something." Then she proceeded to join in on the "la-la-la's" in the chorus. A good time was had by all (all both of us, that is). I spent the rest of the day thinking about friendship. W

Sweet Home Oklahoma

Hell yeah that canal is fake...what of it?! Let's just get this out of the way. I like being from Oklahoma. I like going to other places, but coming back to Oklahoma City always feels really nice. Sure, I clown on my home state/city a lot and scoff at the contradictions (e.g. airports named after guys that died in a plane crash or how we're the only state in the union where tattooing is still illegal, but we REALLY want to be a permanent home to an NBA team), but I don't like when other people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about clown Oklahoma (and, more generally, places that they've never been). It's kinda like how I can say that I've got three sisters that are seriously psycho...but I swear if I hear that shit coming out of anyone else's's beatdown time. I can say that because I know them. Well, I'm not gonna beat you down for talking shit about Oklahoma...but if you've never actually been here.

Filler Post #22 - ...and then I was like "Emilio!"

I was trying to post a new blog entry, but then Remington interrupted me with an instant message regaling me with tales of Chris Kattan's visit to my brother's workplace. It wasn't so much the visit by the "celebrity" (*snicker*) that set me off, but rather the fact that his company (also a call center for a large, well-known corporation) has free catered BBQ all the fucking time. Well, I finally figured out something that could one-up that, you little bastard...I think the paint fumes from the remodeling going on across from my desk got me a little bit high while I was doing my overtime this morning...and I saw a guy walk by on stilts. I don't know if the two events were related...but the psychodelic effects were f-r-e-e, yo face! Anyway, on a totally unrelated note, I was checking out one of my favorite link sites named after a disturbing sexual act -- Gorilla Mask -- and their first link for January 31st was for a generic Dr. Pepper website . Oh